Saturday, June 16, 2007

Beer with Tequila

Have you ever tasted a tequila flavored beer? Me neither. But when I found this in one corner of a beverage store, I was intrigued.

I got one bottle to taste. I am not a beer lover, though I love mixing beer with sprite or 7 up back home. Then when Cali appeared on the beverage list, I am hooked.

I am a tequila lover, though. Especially the Cuervo Gold, which you cannot find in beverage stores here, although sometimes, specialty stores carry the brand. I wonder why, when Cuervo is common in supermarkets in Spain. Maybe because tequila comes out of Mexico and they have the same language, huh!

Enough musings. I sniffed first, after opening the bottle. Ahh, tequila indeed. Would I need salt and lemon, hehe! Oh well, I took a sip. And then another - not bad. Different, yes. Verdict? I'd stick to Tequila Cuervo.

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